Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Walgreens ESR for February

It's a new month so Walgreens has some new rebates for their Easysaver Rebate(posted about the ink refill last month). I love this rebate because you can easily enter your receipt info. online and there is no waste of a stamp. These are a few of the good deals for the month:

Zucol Cold Care $7.99 get $7.99 back($2 coupon makes it a moneymaker)

Garnier Fructis $3.99 get $3.99 there are still some $1 coupons from some inserts awhile ago to make it a moneymaker

Thermacare Heat Wrap $2.49 get $2.49

I used my rebate check I got from last months rebates ($7.50) to buy these items and then I'll send in and get more money back. It's a great way to keep this game going and getting free stuff along the way.

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