Monday, October 26, 2009

October Grocery Challenge

October is almost over and I just have one more shopping trip on Wed. to Pick N Save which I already have mapped out. This month I realized God has blessed us with an over abundance of food from all the good deals. I decided we really needed to try and use up as much as we could without buying too much extra. I only took out money for the first half of the month for groceries which is $120. After my trip on Wed. I will still have $3 left. Now mind you, I did get a few rebates back this month from food I bought previous months so I may have gotten more than $117 worth of groceries but for me the real point is that I spent half our budget. We still have quite a bit of food so I'm going to see how well I can do in November as well. One big thing, besides couponing, that has helped me is to menu plan. Since I do the envelope budget, I will take out money for the first half of the month and put in the food envelope. I will make a list of meals for the first 15 days, that way I can look through the cupboards and freezers to see what we already have and base meals off that. Then I may only need a few items from the store. I can save the budget money to continue to stock up on great sales.


  1. :) I kinda thought this might were stockin' up MEGA TIME! LOL!!!

    Enjoy the bounty!

  2. That is awesome. On the rare occasion of having money left over (10.00 or so) I would hide for a rainy day. Or after a couple of months, treated us to something like a movie or toy.

    Isnt it great using envie system and not having to worry about looking at the checking account everyday to see if you can afford food. Look the envie and see the cash!

  3. good for you Nicole, that is awesome!
